Srusti KTS Liquid Fertilizer


₹1,920.00 ₹2,200.00 12.73 % off

In Stock (10)



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KTS K2O 25%, S 17%

Specification of Potassium Thiosilphate (K2,S2,O2)  (0-0-25 K2,O-17S)
Water soluble Potassium (as K2O) 25
Sulphur (as S) precent weight, minimum 17
Density (at 25 C) 1.45-1.49
Lead (as Pb) Precent by weight, minimum 0.001
Arsenic (as As) Precent by weight, minimum 0.001
Appearance  Clear, Colourless liquid solution


Recommendations For All Crops :

It is recommended to use 20-23L Per acre for vegetables, cereals, Pluses, Cash crops, and Sugar crops, 40-60L per acre for fruit crops and Planation crops

For more information, kindly contact our agromits  


Benefits :

  • Improves firmness of fruits and vegetables
  • Improves cell structure and plant strength
  • Increases yield and shelf life
  • Reduces bruising
  • Balances the soil allowing better water infiltration
  • Solubilizer soil nutrients (calcium, potassium, magnesium, iron, zinc & manganese)
  • Leaches out harmful salts


Application  :

  • KTS can be applied through micro (drip) or by drenching


Storage  :

  • Store in a cool, dark and dry place. Keep out of reach of children. Do not drink, eat or smoke the product


Direction for Use  :

  • Above recommendations are based on trial and experience. Kindly consult our agronomists before use
  • Apply immediately after dilution
  • Consult with our agronomists before mixing with other product
  • Small trial is recommended before regular application
  • Do not buy if pack is opened or teared


Disclaimer :

Follow directions carefully. Company does not have any liability arising by using the product because usage is beyond our control. Buye is liable for any risk of use, storage and application of this product