Sumitomo Sumiprempt Insecticides
32.91 % off
In Stock (20)
Technical Content :
- Pyriproxifen 5% EC + Fenpropathrin 15% EC
Usage :
- CROPS - Cotton, Chili, Okra, Brinjal.
- INSECTS AND DISEASES - Whitefly, Bollworms, Shoot and Fruit borer
- MODE OF ACTION - Sumiprempt Fenpropathrin makes the prolonged opening of the Sodium channel, it’s a major membrane for actions, which leads to hyper-excitation of the central nervous system and kills the insects.
- DOSAGE - 1.5-2ml/liter of water
Description :
- Sumiprempt is a star combination of Pyriproxifen 5% EC + Fenpropathrin 15% EC
- Sumiprempt is one of the mixing partner Pyriproxyfen disrupt the metabolic growth stages in insect larvae, and it also affects the adults egg-laying capacity.
- Sumiprempt has a rainfast action.
- Sumiprempt insecticide is a low-cost, high effective insecticide for eggplant, compare to other insecticide products.