Srusti S-KELP (See weed Extract)
22.82 % off
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S-KELP (See weed Extract)
S Kelp is the 100% liquid seaweed extract derived from a combination of twowidely known seaweeds to promote plant growth and development through thepresence of natural auxins, cytokinins and their precursors. S Kelp is suitablefor a wide variety of plants and can be used in conjunction with other compatiblefoliar/fertigation nutrients.
Nutrient Analysis w/w % Nutrient Analysis w/w %
- Nitrogen (N) 0.3-0.5
- Copper (Cu) Traces.
- Phosphorus (P) 0.11-0.12
- Iron (Fe) Traces
- Potassium (K) 0.6-0.7
- Boron (B) Traces
- Magnésium (Mg) Traces
- Zinc (Zn) Traces
- Manganese (Mn) Traces
- Alginates 0.5-0.6
- Auxin 22.4mg/L
- Cytokinins 2.8mg/L
- Auxin : Cytokininratio: 8:1