Aalquit ( Paraquat ) Herbicides

Sku: APH

₹480.00 ₹790.00 39.24 % off

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AGASTYA-AALQUIT (Paraquat Dichloride 24% SL) Detailed usage and dosage information for different crops

Corp Name Disease Name Dosage/Ha Waiting Period (In Days)
AI (gm) Formulation (gm) Dilluted In Water (Ltr)
Maize Amaranthus Spinosus 0.2-0.5 Kg 0.8-2.0 Ltrs 500 90-120
Paddy Brachiaria Spp 0.3-0.8 Kg 1.25-3.5 500 N.A.
Coffee Eleusine Indica 250 1 400 N.A.
Cotton Digitaria Spp 0.3-0.5 Kg 1.25-2.0 500 150-180
Tea Setaria Spp 0.2-1.0 Kg 0.8-4.25 Ltr (For Season Long Weed Control, Use 2.5-5.0 Ltr For Initial Application. For Subsequent Repeat Spot Application Use 1 Litre) 200-400 Not Necessary (For Season-Long Weed Control, Muse 2.5 To 5 Lit For Initial Application. For Subsequent Repeat Spot Application Use 1 Lite)
Potato Anagallis Arvensis 0.5 Kg 2.0 Ltr. 500 100